Trauma and PTSD

woman in brown long sleeve shirt standing near green plant
woman in brown long sleeve shirt standing near green plant

Trauma can be either an accumulation of experiences or a specific traumatic event in a person's life that can make them feel stuck in that distressing experience. Traumatic events such as war, natural disasters, and violence can create long lasting effects. There can also be accumulated trauma from years of abuse, neglect, and dysfunctional relationships that can continue to affect us years after the abuse has ceased.

These traumatic events can undermine our perception of ourselves and others, making it difficult to trust the world as safe and yourself as competent and worthy of love. Additionally, flashbacks can involve all five senses, and can cause anxiety, panic attacks, and a generalized stress response.

However, with therapy, the journey to healing the past, understanding the present, and building a more meaningful future can begin.